
IDN国际设计家连网 详情介绍


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杂志名称:《IDN国际设计家连网 》                         出版周期:两月  
期数:6                                                              单期定价:80元   
页数:110                                                            ISBN: 1029-4813      
IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.
《IdN》,全名“International design network(国际设计家联网)”,1992年创刊,一本讲艺术谈设计搞展览的港产杂志,每期以中、英文两个版本出版,向全球发行。
dN是是专业电脑设计及印前作业人士的资讯源泉,凭着高制作素质及精辟内容,早已深获数码设计同业肯定。每期搜集世界各地有关图像设计及印刷、新媒体及网页等内容,从设计者的角度探讨周围各种相关事物,集中介绍设计工具,领先介绍电脑设计软硬件及设计技巧,为读者提供创作技术上的实际指引,启发更多的创意灵感。 IdN一向以英文发行,为了使IdN真正国际化,中文版于1996年初面世。中文版的内容仍秉承英文版的宗旨,包括:设计艺廊、人物专访、产品介绍、印前作业、测试报告等,让使用中文的读者能轻松汲取国际顶尖的设计参考资料,进而善用于设计制作领域,开创一片数码设计的美景

cercleIdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.IdN magazine is an international publication for creative people on a mission to amplify and unify the design community in Asia-Pacific and other parts of the world. It has been an active organiser of many design-related events. It is devoted to bringing designers from around the globe together to communicate with, learn from and inspire one another. It has truly become what the initials of its title proclaim it to be: an international designers' network.



 《IdN》,全名“International design network(国际设计家联网)”,1992年创刊,一本讲艺术谈设计搞展览的港产杂志,每期以中、英文两个版本出版,向全球发行。