杂志社: WOMEN OF CHINA 中国妇女 | 发行周期 :月刊 |
单期价格: 10 | 期数:3 |
页数 :95 | 开本 :16开 |
国内刊号:CN11-1704/C | ISSN:1000-9388 |
读者推荐:国内外女性英文读者、国内外使领馆、 外国留学生、外企人员及海内外华人。 |
faces in the crowd 人物
special report 特别报道
feature 关注
forum 论坛
blending in 沟通
women in action 我们在行动
Women of China began publishing in 1952. It is sponsored and administered by the All-China Women's Federation, the largest women's NGO in China. It remains the only monthly English language magazine with the specific purpose of introducing Chinese women to the world.